Guestblogger on Runkeeper (2016)

As Online Marketer of Addapp (a digital health data aggregator app) I decided to test the limits of my health and in the mean time test as many health trackers as possible that we integrated with. So without running experience I signed up for the San Francisco Half Marathon in July 2016.

While training and testing the wearables and apps, I would keep track of the process on the blog of Addapp. We also reached out to Runkeeper, one of the running apps we integrated with to have the blogposts featured on their blog as well

Attract a New Target Audience

The goal of getting the blogposts published on the Runkeeper blog was to attract a new target audience that perfectly fit with our product, a health tracking app.

Runkeeper published all my blogposts with clear Addapp backlinking, product shots and branding.

Runkeeper Blogposts Judith Straetemans

Backlinking & product shots

Product shots of our own mobile app

Social shareable content

All content was relatable to our target group, resulting in social sharing by Runkeeper’s blog audience.

Runkeeper social share
Social shareable content